• Question: Who was the first scientist ever?

    Asked by Bubbles_squad to Wil, Mary Jane, James, Diana, Andy on 7 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Wilhelmiina Toivo

      Wilhelmiina Toivo answered on 7 Mar 2017:

      This is a really interesting question! To answer that we would have to look at the definition of the word ‘scientist’ – it means a person who is studying or has expert knowledge in one or more fields of science. Based on this I would say scientists have been around as long as humans have had the urge to discover new things, have been studying their surroundings systematically and sharing their findings with their fellow humans. Science as it is today (so the way modern scientist think about experimenting and proving and disproving things) started to emerge in the ancient Greek culture and in Persia.

    • Photo: Diana Kornbrot

      Diana Kornbrot answered on 7 Mar 2017:

      Eve, accoding to Jews, Christians and Moslems
      Her first experiment was tasting the apple – fruit of knowledge
      Adam was very reluctant to follow her lead
