• Question: What made you get into psychology?

    Asked by Ellen to Wil, Mary Jane, Andy on 8 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Wilhelmiina Toivo

      Wilhelmiina Toivo answered on 8 Mar 2017:

      I took it as a subject in high school, and we had a really cool teacher. She made me realise how fascinating humans are, and how complicated our behaviour, brains and thoughts are 🙂 Her classes encouraged me to apply to uni to do psychology

    • Photo: Andrew Jones

      Andrew Jones answered on 8 Mar 2017:

      I wanted to learn something different, but at the same time it relates to absolutely everything we do!

    • Photo: Mary Jane Spiller

      Mary Jane Spiller answered on 9 Mar 2017:

      I did sociology at school for A level, and thought it would be more interesting to look at people at a more individual level than at a society level… to be honest I didn’t really know what psychology was, and I was really surprised when I had to do statistics at university! But now I love stats, and teach it.
