• Question: What do you aim to achieve/find out in your studies?

    Asked by Chloe Kurek to Andy, James, Mary Jane, Wil on 15 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Wilhelmiina Toivo

      Wilhelmiina Toivo answered on 15 Mar 2017:

      I want to do research that will benefit people who live in complicated language situations or don’t get use their first language in the community they live in (so for example multilingual families and immigrants). I also want to communicate my research to a wider audience and not just the science community.

      A more short-term goal, I want to finish the experiment I’m doing at the moment and hopefully find out what makes people less emotional in their second language 🙂

    • Photo: Andrew Jones

      Andrew Jones answered on 16 Mar 2017:

      I want to find out why people make the decisions they do in relation to food and alcohol consumption. We know that if we make the wrong decisions it can cause harm to our bodies… but we still do it.

      If we find this out, we can help people to drink less and eat more healthily (but still have a BigMac every now and then!)
