• Question: how do we get reflexes?

    Asked by LLS to Andy, Diana, James, Mary Jane, Wil on 10 Mar 2017.
    • Photo: Wilhelmiina Toivo

      Wilhelmiina Toivo answered on 10 Mar 2017:

      Reflexes are actions that happen without us consciously controlling them. These actions are usually there to save us from dangerous situations, and to keep us alive (for example if you burn your hand you would automatically take it away from the fire, or if you hear a loud sound you might jump or turn your head to the sound). Because these actions have to be super fast, they bypass the nervous system that is controlled by our brain – instead, they go through the nervous system that is controlled by our spinal cord. This is why the reactions are involuntary and very quick – your brain only processes the situation after the reflex has already happened!

    • Photo: Andrew Jones

      Andrew Jones answered on 11 Mar 2017:

      Thay are innate, we are probably born with them. As Wilhemiina says, they are to keep us out of danger for the most part.
